Perhaps the most impactful revelation in perception that I have ever had was when I finally understood the scientific way of thinking. Because “scientific” often comes, understandably, with negative connotations, we could also substitute the words “rational” or “logical.” This revelation came fairly recently, even though I can see that I have been circling around it for decades.
This understanding is simple and actually obvious, but in practice, it is often difficult to follow. To be succinct, the message is: We do not have to understand what is true to know something isn't true. A corollary principle is that when a claim is made, the validity of that claim has to be investigated. Science, logic and rationality are based on the premise that clearing away what is not true does not depend on knowing what is true. You don’t have to know why rain exists to know, through careful investigation, that it doesn’t come from elephants peeing in the sky. This approach of discerning what isn’t true is the path to truth, knowledge and, as I am going to argue, unlocking the power of wonder. In today's world, this path is also excruciatingly difficult.
We are surrounded by, almost swimming in, a mountain of claims. Viruses are real things and cause disease, the atom is made up of a nucleus and orbiting electrons, nuclear weapons pose a threat to humanity and life on earth, we are the most advanced civilization technologically ever to exist on earth, we are formed through evolution based on mutations in our code known as DNA, ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis in our cells, and on and on and on.
During the past few years, I have spent the better part of my waking hours, when I’m not gardening, cooking, or taking care of animals, investigating the validity and accuracy of these and many more. In each case, the clear findings are that the claims are not proven by the known evidence and facts. Often, it is easy to demonstrate the evidence. But then comes the key element, the questions that sabotage the power of wonder, often unspoken by the listener: "Well, what does cause Covid then? Why do I look like my father? Why didn't I learn about the pyramid builders in college?” and on and on. Then comes the disagreement, the accusations, the war-like mentality, and connection and understanding fall apart.
Why does this happen over and over again, particularly with loved ones, as well as members of one’s “tribes” or groups? Although many possible answers to this important question exist, a simple answer is, we men and women haven't learned how to be in the unknowingness of life. Once we see that many taken-for-granted claims are, by and large, distorted fantasies, particularly regarding what passes for "science," we are left in the place of not knowing, and for many, for a variety of reasons, we feel profoundly uneasy. We wonder what the consequences of adopting this new understanding will be for us, both inwardly and outwardly. Will we be ostracized from society, kicked out of the clan or tribe, lose all connection with all our loved ones? Will we lose our job or livelihood, will we die — both literally and psychically? These are real questions, and we get scared. We lose our nerve and succumb to fear; we lose the ability to unlock the power of wonder.
To unlock the power of wonder is to see and investigate each claim, to search for the foundational principles or observations that will affirm or refute them. If the claim is that three dots on a page are in a straight line, you don't need to consult experts, you need a ruler. Once you have verified the falsity of the claim, you allow yourself to stand in the unknowing stage, in the "I wonder, then, what is true?" Here is where the magic and power lie. It is as if the angelic or spiritual world sees your efforts, your courage, and then sends an insight that lights your way. Sometimes, a new understanding presents itself, or a new friend, living situation or job appears.
This path is a true practice in every sense of the word. We are not used to being rigorous in how we see the world, in examining core beliefs. It is painful, and it’s supposed to be. But it also brings a sense of freedom and sovereignty. Once you start on this path, my guess is you will begin to experience the joy and gratitude that is our birthright. We are free men and women. All we need to do is free our minds from delusions, and what opens up for us is profound. Try it, it’s fun.
Robin on
Let us each take courage then, knowing that it WILL be met—-communed with—by a rewarding and light-filled Universe. A Universe, if you will, of our own making.
ellie on
Your brilliance comes from your soulfulness and mindfulness, joy and patience. It takes time to be curious; to wonder. We don’t lack from wonders, but from wonder.
Rachel Carson’s Sense of Wonder is ‘the bible’ for my home daycare: “If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder…he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.”
Mark Humphrey on
Thank you for your true and wise comment.
Many people do fear the responsibility of thinking for themselves, partly because it requires effort, risk, and self-reliance. So often, I get the impression of people as fearful of any facts or dissent that can come between them and their tribe (or cult).
There is a clear explanation for the dominance of belief in germs and viruses throughout the western world and in governments everywhere. In the USA and everywhere else, “science” is mostly funded, mandated and broadcast through indoctrination formats by government. In this way, the state and “science” are joined at the hip.
Reading about Louis Pasteur and his obsession with fame in posterity, the fact that the French regime was involved in funding and directing experimental endeavors would seem to partly explain his obsession. His job, as he may have seen it, was to capture state approval for his ideas, for with state-science there is no dissent or disputation. There is only decreed “truth” and Pasteur wanted ownership. That setup, of course, destroys the pursuit of actual truth.
In the USA, after the War Between the States, starting in the 1870’s, doctors loosely aligned with the American Medical Association, the allopath’s, lobbied state legislatures for licensing regulations, and medical school accreditation to be vested in the AMA, which thereby controlled medical school curriculum throughout the country. Wealthy people such as John D. Rockefeller joined in support of this Progressive crusade, by investing big money to support and promote germ theory and virology. Rockefeller was a brilliant businessman, but he was also a thoughtless Progressive ideologue who was easily influenced into supporting unsound philosophy and pseudo-science. How did Rockefeller know that germ hypothesis and the notion of viruses were sound science? He did not know. He just believed and the centralization of “science” made it possible for him to influence its direction.
Today, we’re witnessing the tragedy of marrying coercion with science. The state science establishment is ordered by coercion; dissent is risky and costly—a fact that stifles thinking. A coercive establishment cannot seek truth, because any such endeavor requires making distinctions between unsound and sound ideas, which requires choice which is stamped out by coercion. Coercive establishments never try to discover truth, which is not relevant to the interests of its membership. They just carry out marching orders.
Nm on
I was wondering if then you have observed how the Sun moves around us and how it rises in a straight like to a peak and sets in a straight line. Meaning in never archs. Either look up time lapse videos of rise and set or better yet, take one! If you don’t know this truth yet I would be very happy to explain all the details to you if the implication of that isn’t popping out at your right away. It’s the best, most peaceful truth you’ll ever learn. I have many videos on the topic.
Linda Morken on
Thank you, Dr. Cowan. I feel that you’ve expressed what needs to be said about ways of thinking. Your thoughts on this are both grounding and liberating at the same time.
Jeff Sims on
Epiphanies? What a joy? Thanks for sharing Tom.
Letting go of limiting beliefs simplifies my worldview and that reward feels good. You’ve helped me realize how I had been fooled. I’m so grateful as this gives me momentum to detox and eliminate the poisons and recover from the complex trauma I experienced August 8th.mark edmond on
well said Tom! By allowing yourself to be comfortable in being uncertain, which would seem like weakness, paradoxically makes you powerful.
Terri on
Tom, what a refreshing article and perspective! This truly resonated for me. I have seen you in numerous talks and always feel so encouraged to see/hear someone else refusing to believe everything the world throws at us just because it’s been said so many times, or believed and accepted as truth throughout history. We truly know so very little, if any, actual truth. Please never stop sharing your perspective. 🙏🏻 Terri
Blythe on
Thanks again, Tom, for penning another profound insight so clearly. “Breaking the Spell” has the same genius clarity of mind. “Try it, it’s fun”: you are so right. As I recognize more and more notions as false, I sense my jolly movement toward truth. What a wonder, indeed. Blythe
Brian Root on
Pumpkin does this automatically.
gida spahr on
truth is beauty, beauty truth, that is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know. so sayeth the poet john keats. what a beautiful illumination doctor tom ! gracias !