#52: Dan Stachofsky
Hi, everyone.
This week's podcast interview is with Dan Stachofsky from the Essential Energy company. Probably all of us are somewhat familiar with the problems associated with EMF exposure, problems that only worsen the longer we are exposed. Many of us are looking for realistic, doable solutions.
It's a daunting problem because in our current world, it's almost impossible to avoid at least some level of EMF exposure. This situation fits Ivan Illich's description of a "radical monopoly," that is, a state-sanctioned act that adversely affects everyone whether they would choose to participate or not. Dan decided to put his attention toward helping to solve the problem of harmful EMF exposures.
In this interview, you will hear his story and find out what solutions he came up with. My hope is this interview helps you add another layer to your understanding of EMF damage and mitigation.
Use this link with the code COWAN20 for 20% off EMF protection products from Essential Energy: https://wix235.ositracker.com/318193/16153
This week's podcast interview is with Dan Stachofsky from the Essential Energy company. Probably all of us are somewhat familiar with the problems associated with EMF exposure, problems that only worsen the longer we are exposed. Many of us are looking for realistic, doable solutions.
It's a daunting problem because in our current world, it's almost impossible to avoid at least some level of EMF exposure. This situation fits Ivan Illich's description of a "radical monopoly," that is, a state-sanctioned act that adversely affects everyone whether they would choose to participate or not. Dan decided to put his attention toward helping to solve the problem of harmful EMF exposures.
In this interview, you will hear his story and find out what solutions he came up with. My hope is this interview helps you add another layer to your understanding of EMF damage and mitigation.
Use this link with the code COWAN20 for 20% off EMF protection products from Essential Energy: https://wix235.ositracker.com/318193/16153
Joey Mitchell on
There may definitely be something to this, because I don’t think that because of anything that Dan said, because he wasn’t really able to explain much about it and be coherent. So I’ll have to assume that his scientists know what they’re doing regarding this technology. Before I saw this video, I had questions and tried emailing Dan twice and got no response even though I had already bought his products.
Anonymous on
Hello Shala, Michaele and Dave,
Thanks for reaching out. If you have questions for Dave regarding his devices and what he spoke about, feel free to email the team at Essential Energy. Their email is: contact@essentialenergy.solutions
Customer Support
Anonymous on
Thank you for your question. I have forwarded your inquiry to Dr. Cowan to hopefully address in a live webinar soon. Please feel free to watch live on Wednesdays and Fridays at 2 PM EST on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzxdc2o0Q_XZIPwo07XCrNg or on SubscribeStar at https://www.subscribestar.com/dr-tom-cowan or view the video later on Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/CivTSuEjw6Qp/?ke=eyJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIlRWS1p6WCIsICJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJzZWFudG1hY2xlb2RAeWFob28uY29tIn0%3D. or Rumble https://rumble.com/c/DrTomCowan?ke=eyJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIlRWS1p6WCIsICJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJzZWFudG1hY2xlb2RAeWFob28uY29tIn0%3D
Customer Support
Sue on
Have been trying to look into plasmonics and came across this article in Scientific America. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/plasmonic-materials/
3rd paragraph down it mentions a device to distinguish bacterial from viral infections. Hmmm??!!
Would that be bacterial from non bacterial infections?!
Dave Smith on
In physics EMF = electromotive force = an old word for potential or voltage. If he was talking about Electromagnetic radiation then this family of energy waves includes visible light, infra red, X-rays, gamma rays, ultra violet, microwaves, radio waves. The frequency range is vast. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation can range from beneficial to fatal depending on the frequency. Which frequency band was he talking about? Can I measure a difference with a Trifield meter?
Michaele on
Has anyone looked into Airestech EMF protection devices? https://airestech.com/pages/technology
• The microprocessor modulates chaotic EMR, transforming the waves and creating a coherent EMF similar to our biological radiation
• It does not block the radiation but restructures it to neutralize any physiological impact
• Any EMR waves that pass through the effective range mimic the modulated EMF created by the product
• Tested by 3rd party researchers which have proven the neutralizing capability of the technology
Sharla Brown on
I’ve watched/listened to this three times. Very compelling! Is anyone familiar with Pranan technologies from Spain? My understanding is that it also ameliorates or neutralizes all known harmful frequencies, including 5G?
Dan’s technology seems like it may be more biologically specific to energy, light, color, and the electromagnetic spectrum, balancing the ionic field of all living things? I’m wondering if they could work together very nicely? HTTPS://www.Pranan.com
Thank you Dr. Tom, every time I think I’m not quite understanding something, you ask a question and truly helping me understand the information that’s being presented. You are absolutely right, the quality of life we/our bodies accept, individually, (consciously or not) is sometimes not as healthy as it could be. With gratitude, Sharla❤️🌠
Sue Marriott on
PLEASE CORRECT Products are now available to be sent to UK.
Sue on
Please add note to my comment above. Dan has since rectified the website and we in the UK can now order!
Dan Stachofsky on
Hi Sue! Thank you for the feedback! We do ship to the UK. Please try the order again or contact us directly for support. We look forward to serving you. – Dan
Sandra Pearce on
I imagine that this technology would help other newer therapies (Brown’s Gas) work better and faster without the EMF interference.
Sue Marriott on
This sounds completely comprehensible to me (intuitively, as a non scientist who has read Popp, Bob Becker etc). It feels like the Yang to the Yin of the Analemma wand. Such a shame the products are not available in the UK. Good luck. And thanks Tom.
David A Howard on
5G is a kill Grid http://stateofthenation.co/?p=127056