#79: Mike Broadwell
Hi everyone,
In today's interview, we continue our series of podcasts that give innovative entrepreneurs the opportunity to explain what they have created. Generally, I am featuring people who are working with a variety of "energy" therapies to improve our health.
In this podcast, Mike Broadwell explains the crystal/light device he came up with. He explains its history, how it works and some interesting cases exploring its effectiveness. The future of medicine will only come from the understanding that our current biochemical model of life is fundamentally flawed. We are electric/energy beings and the sooner we orient our medicine around this fact, the sooner we will come to a medicine that heals and that does not just make people poorer and sicker, as is currently the case.
You can find Mike's website here.
I hope you enjoy this interview.
Magnus Johansson on
Why is it anti-scientific to wonder what caused one to get sick?
Bobby on
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