#8: Catherine Austin Fitts
Hi, everyone.
Today's podcast is one you will definitely not want to miss. My friend today is Catherine Austin Fitts, who probably knows more about the economic side of the Covid plandemic than anyone else alive today. She has worked in the highest levels of government and finance, having served as assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development and started and managed various private-equity firms on Wall Street.
What she shares on this podcast is both disturbing and inspiring. The road to building a society based on health, truth and justice is in front of us, and she lays out some of the steps to get there. Please join us.
Anonymous on
Hi Jordan,
Thank you for turning in to listen and reaching out with this question. The name of the website that was referenced in the interview with Catherine Austin Fitts was the Solari Report.
Here is the link for you to find out more https://home.solari.com/
Customer Support Dr Tom Cowan
Jordan on
Thanks for a great interview. Its inspiring to hear about alternative economic systems that can support life and optimal health. What was the website of hers that you mentioned? Something like “Salari”… Thank you, I look forward to learning more about the systems she has sketched up.