#59: Howdie Mickoski
Howdie Mickoski is a researcher who has spent the past decade-plus investigating such subjects as the philosophy and teachings of ancient Egypt, the philosophy and teachings of the Cathars, Gnostics and other historical groups, as well as the works of Carlos Castenada, among others.
Howdie has also written books about the fascinating history of the world's fairs and expositions of the late 1800s and early 1900s, and postulates what these events can tell us about our history. Please join me for this interview in which we discuss all aspects of these fairs and expos and wonder about what these investigations have to tell us about our current world situation.
Bring your most open mind and questioning habits to this interview, and enjoy the ride.
Suzanne on
I will be deep breathing for awhile.
Maureen Grivnovics on
Very interesting information. I am presently read a book titled “ Irish Wisdom Preserved in Bible and Pyramids” author is Conor Mac Dari, written in 1923.
Bought the book from Kissinger’ s Legacy reprints. The book makes similar claims about history as written by the Roman and British priests. They made it all up by writing a history that everyone believes to be true today to be a fact. The cooperation and time to write the narrative by the monks or priests sounds very similar to the information you put forth today. Feeling like this is a pattern of controlled change of how you change a culture. Not sure if I am making any sense but this interview and reading the book are very similar. It really does make on giggle.
Maureen Grivnovics on
Very interesting information. I am presently read a book titled “ Irish Wisdom Preserved in Bible and Pyramids” author is Conor Mac Dari, written in 1923.
Bought the book from Kissinger’ s Legacy reprints. The book makes similar claims about history as written by the Roman and British priests. They made it all up by writing a history that everyone believes to be true today to be a fact. The cooperation and time to write the narrative by the monks or priests sounds very similar to the information you put forth today. Feeling like this is a pattern of controlled change of how you change a culture. Not sure if I am making any sense but this interview and reading the book are very similar. It really does make on giggle.
toni on
thank you Tom! Great conversation. Such an important topic. I bought the book on the Fairs from Alibris,
Nancy Kay Anderson on
What a fascinating presentation today. Thank you for stretching our minds… This is good for the soul……
Jill Oneglia on
This was not a surprise! Michael Tellinger prepared me. Thank you both so much for the history lesson.
j on
Excellent. Way to break down how to come to truth and the study of the same. Also, the key ingredient of questioning all around us, trying and experiencing first-hand all one can, having patience for the answers, and diligently researching until that time arrives. Then, equally important, sharing these truths with your fellow man, who may or may not accept them depending on their journey or lack thereof.
Kim on
Do we live on a ball earth spinning in an infinite vacuum space, or is this a lie too?
valeri on
Dear Tom and Howie- you hit this one out of the park—I am in the midst of putting together an email to over 100 people- urging them to watch this- and believe me- I will be watching this again – looking up all the references etc—
here is my outreach to friends- i hope everyone will share this amazing talk- a real eye/heart/soul opener
" Dear Friends
did any of you go to a worlds fair?—would love to hear your memories- i attended when approaching my 11th birthday
my suggestion is that we gather friends and conduct viewings of this incredible conversation and photos asap
My questions: where are we ?
what are we ?
who is guiding this boat?
thank you again to Tom Cowan and Howide Mickoski
Our family went to the worlds fair- and our family’s impression was of vastness- beauty, unbelievable wealth, unbelievalbe science- i was old enough then to know what i was seeing- and i remember the ‘native’ peoples exhibits and how bizarre and creepy they were- my mother spoke about that exhibition for years- I wish i’d been older.
Our family couldn’t believe it was all destroyed- we saw it on the way to Europe- to live in Germany-where we were then shown the nazi ovens and concentration camps—-incredible poverty, bombed out buildings, people living with out running water in an area that had 12’ snow drifts a rather bizarre juxtaposition
i sure wish i’d been to more of these exhibitions— and i will be looking at all the photos that Howdy and Cowan reference
wowzer folks- happy and a wake up new year!
David A Howard on
Ela on
The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations, also known as the Great Exhibition or the Crystal Palace Exhibition, was an international exhibition which took place in Hyde Park, London, from 1 May to 15 October, 1851.
The Crystal Palace
Crystal Palace General view from Water Temple.jpg
The Crystal Palace at Sydenham (1854)
Wikimedia | © OpenStreetMap
General information
Status Destroyed
Type Exhibition palace
Architectural style Victorian
Town or city London
Country United Kingdom
Coordinates 51.4226°N 0.0756°WCoordinates: 51.4226°N 0.0756°W
Completed 1851
Destroyed 30 November 1936
Cost £80,000 (1851)
(£12 million in 2022)
Design and construction
Architect(s) Joseph Paxton
The Crystal Palace was a cast iron and plate glass structure, originally built in Hyde Park, London, to house the Great Exhibition of 1851. The exhibition took place from 1 May to 15 October 1851, and more than 14,000 exhibitors from around the world gathered in its 990,000 square feet (92,000 m2) exhibition space to display examples of technology developed in the Industrial Revolution. Designed by Joseph Paxton, the Great Exhibition building was 1,851 feet (564 m) long, with an interior height of 128 feet (39 m),1 and was three times the size of St Paul’s Cathedral.2