Affiliate Offers

Save on some of Dr. Cowan's favorite products, experiences, and content. These highly curated offerings from our friends, family, and community are sure to make a positive impact on your wellbeing.

👋 Have a product that our customers will love? Contact us about an affiliate listing.

5% off with code COWAN

Eagle Research AquaCure

Anyone interested in improving their health should check out the website, watch the videos, read the blogs, and study the scientific papers that document the health benefits of breathing and drinking air and water that is enhanced with molecular hydrogen. Dr. Cowan has been using an AquaCure device in his own home; the device is easy to use, easy to maintain, and seems to be a valuable addition to Dr. Cowan's growing natural-health, water-based therapies.

Click here to watch Dr. Cowan's interview with George Wiseman of AquaCure.

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10% off with code DRCOWAN


Incandescent Near Infrared Light Therapy Sauna Solutions and Electromagnetic Mitigation Products, Beautifully Handcrafted in USA with 10-Year Warranty. Dr. Cowan and many of our staff love our SaunaSpaces!

Click here to watch Dr. Cowan's interview with Brian Richards of SaunaSpace.

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$100 off the series with code SAVE100

Kelly Brogan's Sovereignty Series

Welcome to a personal living library of curated sovereignty resources you won't find anywhere else…

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20% off EMF protection products with code COWAN20

Essential Energy

A powerful family of products designed to protect you and your family against 5G and the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation polluting our environment.

Click here to watch Dr. Cowan's interview with Dan Stachofsky of Essential Energy.

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15% off with code TOMCOWAN

Ra Optics

Ra Optics creates optical products that protect humans from the toxic effects of artificial lighting. With a mission to "Realize the Life of Your Dreams by Transforming Your Sleep," these products block blue light at night, increase natural melatonin production and help you relax naturally.

Click here to watch Dr. Cowan's interview with Matt Maruca of Ra Optics.

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Ophora Water Technologies

OPHORA Water Technologies has a reverence for water. They harness the power of science to restore source water back to its healthiest state with unparalleled oxygen content for intra-cellular hydration.

Click here to watch Dr. Cowan's interview with Kristen Brown and Ken Goin from Ophora Water.

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Get the entire 5 episode series for only $11.99!

The Viral Delusion Documentary

In 2019, the virologists took center stage, and for the first time on film, their methods, miscues and tragedy they have wrought are put under the spotlight, revealing the extraordinary leaps of fantasy buried in their methodology, the contradictions quietly acknowledged in their papers, their desperate effort to change language to justify their findings, the obvious incongruence of their conclusions and the extraordinary stakes for our entire society in whether we continue to blindly follow their lead into a full-scale war against nature itself.

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$20 off full event access with code DRTOM20

The Heart Revolution

I'm excited to announce the Heart Revolution Online Event, which is all about education, healing, and awakening of our hearts. You can access content from 30 speakers free for 7 days. During my talk, you will learn that the heart is not a pump and what the real function of the heart is. After the free period, you can opt in to full lifetime access to 70+ speakers with additional content to be added monthly.

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