The Spiritual Forum Podcast
Breaking Through Medical Paradigms with Dr. Tom Cowan - EP 302
What if you were to learn that something you are so sure about is not true? Throughout history new discoveries have threatened the status quo and those who found them were ostracized or even jailed! The ego defends beliefs fiercely. In this eye-opening episode, alternative medicine doctor Thomas Cowan shares some facts about viruses and contagion that might blow your mind. A questioner of conventionality and master of analogies, Tom makes scientific practices easy to understand and he dispels some long and deeply held ideas. He shares how medical science excludes the spiritual dimension, limiting what we truly know about our biology. We learn how they found the polio virus and delve into the question, “Do sick people make well people sick?” We also discuss the uncomfortable space of ‘not knowing’ as being the magical place where the Divine can inform and guide us to new understanding. Near the end Tom shares about his latest book, Commonsense Child Rearing. This episode will surely challenge you, but if you hang in there and loosen your grip on what you are sure is true, you might awaken to a new reality.