Q&A Webinar from December 11th, 2024
In today's webinar, Tom discussed the following:
- If anyone may be interested in investing in a new venture regarding organic foods, please email customersupport@drtomcowan.com with your interest.
- Reviewed an article titled "Archives of Pediatrics" and had a small discussion on it
- Answered questions previously submitted to us from our listeners. Topics included:
- Can you talk about healing cataracts, without surgery.
- Tom I regularly monitored PCR positivity rates (not simply total number of positive tests) here in the UK during the so-called pandemic. I found there was clear correlation between increases in hospitalizations and deaths and increases in PCR positivity rates. The PCR tests clearly seemed to be detecting something when people were ill and not when they weren't. Do you believe they are indeed detecting genetic material ? Also, when using well designed primers and probes and at low Ct thresholds, are they detecting the actual sequences they are programmed to find ? If not, I wonder what you think might account for this phenomenon ?
- Would you speak to the mode of action of the toxicity of mycotoxins? They are said to be hepato, nephro, and neuro toxic & even strongly antimicrobial & carcinogenic. Many foods like peanuts, coffee, tomatoes, and nearly all grains are known to be contaminated with these compounds.
- Please speak on circadian rhythm issues and how to fix them.
- How come water seems to respond quickly, consciously, and distinctively in experiments done by Veda, Emoto, etc., But we don't see more 'instant karma' type effects in the human body after we say, do, or think nefarious thoughts? (especially in bodies of world leaders, etc.)
- What do you think causes chronic asthma in children?
- Thoughts on color therapy, any good resource recommendations?
- It seems that sodium chloride (NaCl) is generally regarded as equal to the natural sodium in/extracted from plants & animals. If we could consistently get the proper quantity & quality of “whole food” sodium, would you still recommend consuming NaCl (other than to preserve food)?
- How to detox from heavy metals?
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