Response to Judy Mikovits with Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman
Recently, Andy Kaufman, M.D., did a round-table interview that also included Dr. Judy Mikovits. Until watching this video, I had never actually heard her speak, at least, not at length. Because Andy and I both believe that some of the things she said were inaccurate, we decided to go over these points to share how we see them. Please join us for this conversation, and we invite you to judge for yourself.
Susie R on
Thank you both for this! I’ve watched it at least 20 times since 2022. It’s always opened on my phone. My 81yr old father, a veterinarian, thinks I’m the misinformed.
He’s in the hospital with “RSV,” (don’t get me started) so I gave him my favorite video, and some earphones. I can’t wait to hear how crazy I am now! 🙏🏼❤️ Thank you to ALL the good docs who question their questions, and have the courage to speak up! Y’all are the true hero’s! 🙏🏼
Gram on
Another documentary in the Plandemic series is to be released, today, I think. The war against Truth continues…
Thank You Drs Tom and Andy for sharing your voices of reason in this mad, mad world.
John Calvin Jones on
Drs Cowan and Kaufman,
Thank you so for your efforts and continued research. I have shared your analyses with students, friends, and family. As well, I have sent notices to Del Bigtree and Alex Jones … often.
I am not sure if you are aware, but even Edward Jenner wrote that cow pox was not contagious via effluvia, but only through direct contact with broken skin.
I am in the process of finishing an annotated version of Jenner’s Inquiry (parts 1, 2, and 3). I would be pleased to send you an electronic copy.
John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD
Shanghai, China
Prudencio Morales Jr on
The truth can’t be debated. It can only be denied. Mr Tom and Mr Andrew thank you for explaining the truth.