A Rare Opportunity to Ask Questions of Stefan Lanka
This Friday from 2 to 3 p.m. Eastern, I’ll do a livestream question-and-answer session open to everyone on “viral cultures” because many people, even people in the “anti-vaccine” community, still tout this as a gold standard that verifies assumptions and findings in virology. As you will hear, nothing could be further from reality.
Next week we have the wonderful opportunity for all our Subscribe Star friends to participate in an hour-long session with German biologist and virologist Stefan Lanka. Stefan is going to talk to us about the history of virology, answer questions, and update us on his ground-breaking study that will disprove the basic tenants of virology. Stefan does few public presentations, so mark this event on your calendar.
In the following weeks, Leslie Manookian, the director of the movie “The Greater Good,” and Andy Kaufman will also join us on our Subscribe Star channel. Leslie is at the forefront of compiling accurate data on the many people who are having adverse reactions from the experimental drugs that are being injected into people throughout the world. Leslie is also very knowledgeable about what you can do to avoid the injections and the tests. Andy will give us a virology update, talk about the imaginary viral genome and the imaginary “variants.” He is also working with various scientists to determine just what is in these tests and injections, information that is crucial for all of us.
In sum, we have a lot of exciting talks planned to help keep you informed during this confusing and challenging time.
Looking forward to seeing you Friday.