The Clay That Should Be in Every Medicine Cabinet
In an article first published in 1926, the interesting physical characteristics of bentonite clay were described in the first paragraph of the abstract:
"Bentonite is a very widely distributed clay material that is the result of the devitrification and chemical alteration of glassy volcanic ash or tuff. Bentonite should be used as the name of a rock derived from volcanic glass, and it is commonly composed of the mineral montmorillonite but less often of beidellite. Its characteristic minerals are completely crystalline and have a micaceous habit, high birefringence and facile cleavage. It contains no gel colloids, and few of its crystal particles are so small as to reach 'colloidal size.' It shows high adsorptive powers, and this property is more dependent upon physical form than upon chemical composition. That is, upon the micaceous structure and easy cleavage which give very great surface area and the ‘felt-like' texture which facilitates permeability."
The parts that caught my attention are that bentonite is derived from volcanic ash, is largely composed of the mineral montmorillonite, and its minerals are completely crystalline. These characteristics, for me, mean that the unique properties of bentonite come not so much from its chemical composition but from the minerals' ability to arrange themselves into a crystal lattice structure.
Crystals, in general, are able to concentrate energy and trap toxins in their matrix. This ability allows the body to clear the unwanted toxins and restore an energetic balance, which is the underlying basis for the use of bentonite clay. Primarily, it is used as a kind of paste or poultice that draws debris or toxins out through the skin, resulting both in a systemic detoxification and a localized healing effect. Although this use is only one of many, it is the one that I have relied on for years whenever I encounter any rash, insect bites or exposure to toxic plants. The quick application of a bentonite-clay poultice, the consistency of mud, has often resolved the issue within minutes.
We encourage you to never be without this vital product.
Shop our Bentonite Clay here.