My New Booklet Ends the Covid Delusion

My New Booklet Ends the Covid Delusion

Since the publication of "The Contagion Myth," the world seems to have plunged deeper into the spell of the "coronavirus." We are witnessing signs of increasing totalitarianism throughout the world, and it is clear that, unless we break the corona delusion, this disturbing trend cannot be reversed. I had hoped that "The Contagion Myth" would be instrumental in breaking this delusion, but that has not been the case. Criticism of "The Contagion Myth" has come from many sources. Unsurprisingly, the "scientific community" — conventional medical doctors and virologists — has expressed disagreement. Somewhat more unexpectedly has been the criticism that has come from those in the holistic health, anthroposophical and "anti-vaxx" communities. This booklet, "Breaking the Spell: The Scientific Evidence for Ending the Covid Delusion," is the best way I know how to respond to these varied critics.  

Much has happened since the publication of "The Contagion Myth" in August, 2020. The thesis of this new booklet is that, because of the recent publication of some peer-reviewed studies and the scientific experiments conducted by my friend, Dr. Stefan Lanka, we can now say without any doubt that the central tenets of modern virology are not only unscientific, but are actually anti-scientific. 

Modern virology rests on three tenets. The first is that the tissue breakdown, called the cytopathic effect, that is seen in cell cultures is proof of the existence of the pathogenic virus, and proof that it causes disease. This has now been proven to be false as a result of Dr. Lanka's experiments. The second tenet is that one can see the pathogenic virus in question, including SARS-CoV-2, in the examination of the cell-culture breakdown. Using peer-reviewed research, I show this claim to be false. Finally, virologists claim that they find and sequence the entire genome of the virus in question through an alignment process done on the cell culture. The results of this part of Dr. Lanka's experiment were not available at the time I wrote the booklet, but Dr. Lanka has since shown this sequencing process to be fallacious as well. By adding mRNA from yeast to a cell culture, with no possibility of any virus added to the culture, he was able, using modern "unbiased, de novo, next-generation sequencing," to produce the entire genome of SARS-CoV-2 from this mixture, even though, again, no virus was present. Therefore, as of October 2021, it has now been proven that virology is based on false assumptions, SARS-CoV-2 or any other so-called pathogenic virus doesn't exist, and the entire Covid-19 narrative is bogus.  This booklet builds the case in simple, clear, precise language.  

My booklet presents a clear, logical, rational, scientific understanding of biology and how disease arises. This understanding will allow us to create a new approach to medicine and healing, based on sound, scientific principles, and it will help us break the spell, or mass delusion, that is threatening to engulf the whole world.  

Please join me by adding your voice to the growing chorus of well-meaning people who refuse to live their lives under a spell. We are meant to be free, to soar, to think deeply and clearly.  We can do this.

With love and joy, 

Comments 40

David A Howard on

Ricky Dearman has made this year’s list of TIME magazine’s most 100 influential people

Ken Leeseberg on

Keep talking Dr Cowan
Thank you for speaking out
I will be here listening…Very respectfully

Ken Leeseberg on

Keep talking Dr Cowan
Thank you for speaking out
I will be here listening…Very respectfully

Ken Hoffman on

I understand charging for the physical booklet. But if you really wanted to get this to everyone as a primary goal you would offer the download PDF free. There are people that are in tough economic times right now. Quite a few actually. So $5 prevents many who would be interested to not be able to get the information.

Shirley on

I’m so happy this is available now! I did read Contagion Myth; I got three copies and shared them. I just sent this information out on messanger to several people. And yes my mind boggles also , that people I know who are very health conscious have been taken in by this narrative! And what’s more have got the jab! Thank you so much Dr.Cowan for staying strong!


Can you send Your books to S América?

Dean Copa on

Thank so much for who you are & what you do.

Really deeply appreciated.


Dean Copa on

Thank so much for who you are & what you do.

Really deeply appreciated.


zak alu on

beautiful work tom and friends (notably Lanka and Kaufman). Thank you all for showing the lies that pervade every part of this life from the systematic imposters.

za ka lu

Lesley on

Absolutely fascinating reading and listening to you, you have actually broken the spell for me, it’s common sense really, however, it’s not an accepted truth amidst this turmoil, but thank you for pointing out the obvious, it helps when it comes out of
your Doctors mouth!

george begg on

i am so grateful for your blog dr.cowan,from the earliest i knew you and dr.andy were the real deal,i have also added dr.amandha and dr. steffan, to me as a layperson you all make it more easily understood,why can’t the others of your profession not see and understand these facts.

Christine Duffy on

For so many accepting the truth involves the collapse of their world view, as it did for so many of us, for many they are the gatekeepers of a corrupt and distorted society – awakening is painful and frightening. Thank you for all you do, truth is an absolute, its a Natural Law. Peace and Love to you and may Blessings abound in your life.

Nadine on

Thank you so very much for speaking and even more importantly thank you for having the courage to continue to speak. You breathe life into a possible world where I want to live and where I want my children to grow. May your voice be magnified and may it like an old friend, tap those who can’t yet hear on the shoulder and smilingly show them what they missed. Bless you.

Gail on

Thank you, Tom, for your luminarious work to help support and give truth to Christ’s ecclesia with a message of hope and prayers for those asleep. God speed your work and bless you, your family, team, all who are enlightened and those to come. We are growing and will be undefeated because God always wins…. Thank you.

Wendy Deaville on

Dr Tom firstly I want to thank you for your contributions for saving us. We are surrounded by many many people under the spell including many of my health professional colleagues. This frustrates me immensely as university education firstly teaches you to question , critique, look at the opposing evidence. To eventually when we practice it is with an evidence base. What are the doctors of today doing, they must have researched and concluded the whole covid bs is fraud and deception has been happening over the last 2 years.
I keep the faith knowing we have drs like you and Andrew Kaufman. Thank you for this gift, my grandchildren will all receive one. The truth must be out.

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