New Strophanthus Case Studies: "He Now Has His Life Back with Optimism" (strophanthus stories part 2)
Hi, everyone.
As promised, I want to keep you updated about the reports we are getting from both my patients and practitioners who are using the strophanthus extract to treat heart disease. In these case studies below, some details get technical, such as the evaluation of the blood test results, but even if you don’t understand the details, the gist of the story comes through. I am immensely grateful for and heartened by these reports.
As always, I encourage everyone to contact me via our contact us page with their experiences with strophanthus, or any of the other heart medicines we are using.
In health,
Tom Cowan, M.D.
Case 1 (submitted by a physician in Kentucky):
Bruce, a 60-year-old male, suffers from atrial fibrillation and severe heart failure; left ventricular hypertrophy and cardiomyopathy had developed from substantial untreated hypertension. His heart ejection fraction fell to <20%. His main measure of heart failure – BNP – rose to 3000. I had treated him with every supplement that I could contemplate, including ones that normally are very helpful for the heart, from L-carnitine, 400mg ubiquinol, d-ribose, Cordyceps, Hawthorn, and other anabolic botanicals — literally 40 supplements due to his severe situation, along with natural blood thinners. Despite these, he was on Lasix 40mg daily; an ARB produced a highly annoying persistent cough and had to be stopped.
With the aggressive supplementation, he did improve. However, BNP was still 1316, Bilirubin – 5.3, Alkaline Phosphatase 248, C-reactive protein 29, and d-dimer 2.8; these had all proven to be indicators of his heart failure in the previous two years. But he still was very limited as to physical activity.
Then I read Dr. Cowan’s report about strophanthus. Out of desperation — all options had been exhausted — it was ordered. Over 3 weeks he titrated up to 10 drops twice a day. BNP dropped to 1244, CRP to 23.2, Bili to 3.5, Alk phase to 219, and d-dimer to 1.73. He was told to continue to titrate up on the strophanthus until reaching 15 drops twice a day.
We didn’t hear from Bruce for many months afterwards but heard indirectly that he was doing better. When he did come in six months after the previous visit, he reported only minor physical limitations. His BNP had dropped to 492, CRP to 12.6, Bili to 1.9, Alk phos to 181 and d-dimer to 0.67. His blood pressure that typically was 100 diastolic, and as high as 178 systolic, was essentially normal for the first time at 132/80.
He reports no side effects from strophanthus (though he does note the taste and smell). After having blood drawn almost monthly for two years with constant adjustment in his regimen, and hobbled from physical activity, Bruce now has his life back with optimism about the future. Strophanthus has proved miraculous in Bruce’s improvement at a time when he had nearly lost hope.
Thank you, Dr. Cowan!
Case 2 (from a naturopath in Colorado):
These are the patient’s words:
My father had his first heart attack at age 45 and a second one at age 60 while undergoing bypass surgery. He died on the table. So, I have been careful to watch my diet and lifestyle.
About a year ago, I began having left-sided chest and arm pain — only at night, in bed. A recent ECG had a “dip” that the doctor stated may be a sign of having had a heart attack at some point.
I didn’t want to overreact. I also didn’t want to go down the same path as my father. I wasn’t going to go “traditional” on this one!
(My naturopathic doctor) suggested I start taking strophanthus drops twice a day. After two months of using it, my chest pain is completely gone! Additionally, I have a very strong sense of peace in my physical body. Not sure how to describe it.
Case 3 (from the same Colorado naturopath):
These are the patient’s words:
I suffered from Cardiac Cephalgia angina attacks —35 to 45 per month, even though I was taking 30 mg of Isosorbide Mononitrate daily, and using 0.4 mg nitroglycerin transdermal patches. After taking strophanthus seed extract, I’m down to around five angina attacks per month. I think the current angina attacks are due to occasional pressure on my vagus nerve and/or the dislocation of disks in my neck.