Strophanthus Testimonials: I Feel More Normal and Enjoy Life More (strophanthus stories part 3)

Strophanthus Testimonials: I Feel More Normal and Enjoy Life More (strophanthus stories part 3)

It’s gratifying to share that strophanthus, the main heart medicine I use and have written and spoken about extensively, continues to generate positive feedback from both patients and other practitioners who are using it.

As I have mentioned, to have an effective strophanthus product, one must start with wild-harvested strophanthus seeds, collected in Cameroon, West Africa, which are then processed with alcohol to make a tincture or ground into powder and put into capsules. The key is using whole seeds and ensuring that the final product contains not only the seeds but also ouabain, the active ingredient. For our therapeutic strophanthus products (the tincture and capsules), independent testing has confirmed the presence of about 1 mg of ouabain in either 20 drops of the tincture or in each capsule. The typical dose is about 7-10 drops, once a day for a week (or one capsule), then the same dose twice per day. Under the direct care of your practitioner, some heart patients are on a regimen of up to 20 drops, three times a day, of the liquid, or one capsule, three times a day. *Please consult with your practitioner before starting this or any other supplement/medication.

As you can see by the actual stories from patients below, some people do well with far less a dose than others. This speaks to the therapeutic efficacy of the whole-seed extracts rather than plain chemical ouabain. In my experience, chemical ouabain (or homeopathic strophanthus) works either not very well or not at all. As far as I know, we are the only source of a truly active and safe strophanthus product in the U.S. I’m open to hearing more feedback from both patients and practitioners, so please send your personal experience with strophanthus to me via our contact us page on this website.

From a practitioner:
This 54-year-old male with chronic heart failure and a history of one MI (myocardial infarction) has been taking strophanthus/ouabain for just over 12 months. We found that five drops of the ouabain was a more effective maintenance dose to diminish the frequency of angina and 15-20 drops of the ouabain tincture for chest pain episodes. The frequency of the angina went from approximately twice a week to once a month. The ejection-fraction (the amount of blood leaving the heart as compared to the amount entering) measured 18 percent prior to starting the ouabain treatment, and as of January 2018, the ejection-fraction measure has increased to 25. (Normal is 60 to 70 percent). Continued observation and periodic testing recommended. Patient is walking daily with no shortness of breath reported.

From a patient of mine:
Can I just say “WOW!” I have enjoyed a noticeable improvement! It’s not perfect, I still have moments of symptoms, which I am sure is to be expected. But overall, there has been an incredible improvement in my heart symptoms and my overall energy. Currently, Dr. Cowan has me taking seven drops, 3 times a day.

From another patient:
I cannot describe how grateful I am to you for introducing me to G-Strophanthus/ouabain.

As you know, two years ago I was diagnosed with severe blockage/plaques in the coronary arteries ­— 90%, 80%, 90%, even though for about 35 years I have tried to live healthily — diet, regular exercises, Brain Gym exercises, supplements, and did not have serious ailments except low blood pressure and ulcers from time to time. But, unfortunately, I let stress affect me.

I stopped taking (my other) doctor's medication after two months (because) my body could not tolerate the side effects…My husband searched and found other alternatives, more natural supplements to replace the medication, EECP, combining them with improved diet, exercises, Brain Gym exercises, and sleeping on earthing sheet. One month after that, I started taking ouabain, which we found out about after reading 'Human Heart, Cosmic Heart.'

Besides the above, and (becoming) more aware of managing stress, I feel that the ouabain is an important factor in my health improvement. I am more calm, can overcome my stress quicker, and, importantly, I am more comfortable taking flights, not freaking out as before when the plane is shaking…. I feel more normal and enjoy life more.

Up to now, the result of my EKG test is normal, the last bio-test I took (July 2018) showed all is normal in general, except the blood flow to my heart is a bit low (one number lower than standard)

I take ouabain everywhere I travel, and I take an extra dosage in stressful situations, based on the muscletesting result.

Thank you so much, Dr. Cowan. God bless your work.

Our strophanthus-seed extracts are made from wild and hand-harvested seeds of the strophanthus gratus plant. Native to Africa and Madagascar, the plant contains seeds that have an active ingredient, called ouabain, which has been used to support heart function for more than a century. The three main actions of strophanthus-seed extracts/ouabain are to support parasympathetic nervous system function, improve the microcirculation in the heart and convert the lactic acid that builds up and poisons the heart into pyruvate, the preferred fuel of the heart. These physiological foundations help with several types of heart disease.

If you’re interested in taking strophanthus for personal-health reasons, please talk to your health-care practitioner before ordering from our website.

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