The King of Flow
Among the many problems with modern medicine, the most fundamental is its failure to understand the underlying processes that lead to illness. A good example is the "disease" process we call hypertension, or high blood pressure.
In conventional medicine, we are told that most cases of hypertension are "essential" or idiopathic, which means the cause is unknown.
Doctors routinely investigate heart function, electrolyte balance, kidney function, and levels of such chemicals as angiotension-converting enzyme. The results are always inconsistent. For example, some people with hypertension have heart or kidney problems, others don't.
We must look at this situation from a different perspective and ask the question, why would the body, in its incredible wisdom, choose to elevate the pressure in its circulation tubes? The obvious answer — as in all liquid flowing through pipes — is to increase the flow in the tubes. The next obvious question is, why would the body need to increase the flow in the tubes? The answer is again very simple: The original flow was too weak to support whatever function was needed.
In our gardens, the purpose to increase flow in the garden hose is to be able to water all the plants. In our bodies, the purpose is to adequately perfuse our tissues. Clearly, then, the raising of the pressure is a brilliant, strategic compensation, albeit one that you would rather not have to resort to. It would be far better to restore healthy flow in our blood; then, the body would relax the blood vessels, and the pressure would fall on its own.
I have written and spoken about how the flow in our blood vessels comes about many times and in many places, including in my book "Human Heart, Cosmic Heart." The short version is that blood flow is a complex interaction of the water in our blood and our vessel walls. If the walls are weak or there is a deficiency of UV light exposure, the flow will be weak, and the body will compensate by raising the pressure.
During my years of practice, I found that the single best intervention to strengthen the blood vessel walls was two to three teaspoons a day of a strong hibiscus extract. The red, blood-like color of the hibiscus flower and extract cry out to be understood as allies to our blood and blood vessels. Analysis of the hibiscus extract reveals abundant phytonutrients and chemicals whose function is to tonify and strengthen the blood vessel walls. Its signature is an astringent taste, a sure sign of its connection to strengthening and "tightening up" the tissues. All astringent herbs are primarily used to stem blood and tonify the blood vessels. For this purpose, hibiscus is the king.
Our hibiscus extract is made from the finest hibiscus plants, is very concentrated, and is extracted with structured, pure water. In my opinion, no better hibiscus product exists anywhere, which is why it was the foundation of my approach to hypertension for years. The usual dose — one tablespoon twice per day — can be taken in a small glass of water.
Anonymous on
Hello Saint-Clair and JS. The link provided does work. It is: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HMTkbK9AOOiz/
Please copy and paste it into your browser address bar. It worked right now when I tested it again.
Customer Support DrTomCowan.com
Cynthia on
I feel so grateful for the timeliness of this post on hibiscus. I’ve been collecting and drying for dyeing and have two packed quarts. I really could use the effects as you’ve described them, and had no idea!!! I can only guess how potent and helpful is your hibiscus extract! On a psychological level, I’m open to strengthening the boundaries or pathways for my life’s energy. My paths have been murky. Thanks again.
JS on
Hello. The link that you directed Saint-Clair to covering glaucoma is not working. I would love to watch that webinar. Could you please make it clickable? Thank you
Anonymous on
Hello Saint-Clair,
Thank you for the comment. Dr. Cowan addresses your question in this webinar: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HMTkbK9AOOiz/
Customer Support
Saint-Clair on
Dear Dr. Cowan
I have glaucoma affecting many of my extended family members.
After being treated with eye drops, I have been informed that surgery on the eye
would release the fluid which builds up pressure on the optic nerve.
Is there another remedy other than surgery for draining the fluid from the eye.
I am open for any experiments you suggest.
Thank you for thinking outside the box in your healing approaches.